Imogen Taylor-Noble

Imogen Taylor-Noble | Ceramics | Devon

Drawing with clay, painting with fire.

Imogen's work is process led and based in material practice. She is interested in the extremes of the materials she works with: clay and fire, and aims for the essential qualities of plastic clay and extreme heat of the kiln to remain visible in the finished piece.

Nature and ecology have remained underlying themes for her work and inform her interest in using place specific materials in her making and firing processes, enabling her to inhabit the links between the creative process and the materials of her environment. The processes of gathering, drying, blending and sieving these basic ingredients are physical and simple. They are also time consuming. Being connected to the materials at this level allows her to get to know them and to notice and work with their particular qualities.

Her work aims to create a space for contemplation and re-connection to the planet and to our role as it's temporary stewards.

She has been making work in clay since 1985, exploring the vessel and live flame firings. Imogen trained at Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts gaining her degree in 1990.


Helen Harrison


Jana Gilfillan